Republikaner streben strafrechtliche Anklage gegen "Volksverraeter" Comey, McCabe, Yates und Rosenstein an
In den USA darf man also noch offen gegen Volksverraeter vorgehen, auch oder gerade weil sie hochrangige Angestellte von Behoerden sind, die gegen geltendes Recht verstossen haben.
Der Republikanische Abgeordnete Gosar beklagt "Dritte-Welt-Lands-Politik wo Regierungsbehoerden als Wahlkampf-Kampfhunde benutzt werden".
Es werden auch Vergleiche mit der frueheren Sowjetunion gezogen:
"The leadership of the FBI and DOJ behaved in a way we would expect of the former Soviet Union, not the United States of America. I applaud Representative Nunes and other Republican members of the House Intel Committee for fighting and exposing corruption. Americans are tired of corrupt bureaucrats and their career politician enablers. If powerful leaders are not held accountable, the American people will never regain faith in the institutions meant to protect us. Former FBI Director James Comey was entrusted with one of the most powerful positions in the world. Sadly, he intentionally abused his power in an effort to destroy Donald Trump's presidency. He should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and sent to prison for his crimes. No one is above the law. No one."
~Georgia State Senator Michael Williams
Klare Worte, die Parlamentarier in den USA haben noch mumm.
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