Das ist der Hammer: im FISA Memo gibt die NSA ganz offen zu, die Internet Backbones abzuhören. (mTuL)
Auf Seite 15:
Das ist nicht Gerüchte, Verschwörungstheorie, Snowden, Wikileaks, sondern in einem offiziellen US Dokument.
""Upstream" collection of Internet communications refers to NSA's interception of such communications as they transit the facilities of an Internet backbone carrier
as distinguished from acquiring communications from systems operated by Internet service providers.
Upstream Internet collection constitutes a small percentage of NSA's overall collection of Internet communications under Section 702, see, e.g., October 3, 2011 Memorandum Opinion at 23 n.21 (noting that, at that
time, upstream Internet collection constituted only 9% of NSA's Internet collection), but it has
represented more than its share of the challenges in implementing Section 702."
Die Lügen von DNI Direktor und jetzt CNN "Experte" James Clapper vom Deep State vor dem Untersuchungsausschuß sind jetzt also höchst offiziell.