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Pressemeldung vom Israeli Center for Human Rights
Für Klickfaule ein Auszug:
Recent months have seen a dramatic rise in Israeli security forces’ use of live 0.22 inch caliber bullets [*] (Ruger rifle bullets, also known by the nickname Two-Two) in clashes with Palestinians in the West Bank. The firing of this ammunition is an almost weekly occurrence in the West Bank in sites of protests and clashes. Most of those injured have been young Palestinians, including minors. Yet, in the last two months, one Palestinian woman, at least three photographers, and a foreign national who was taking part in a demonstration were also hit by these bullets.
Ich habe das schon vor zwei Jahren irgendwo gelesen, obige Mitteilung ist vom Jan. 2015.
* Edit: "Live bullet", bzw. "live ammunition" bedeutet "scharfe Munition".