In Kalifornien soll die Algebra an Colleges für nicht Techniker abgeschafft werden. Denn (mT)

DT, Montag, 31.07.2017, 16:27 (vor 2749 Tagen)5738 Views

sie steht den "students of color" im Wege, "erfolgreich" ein College-Diplom zu bekommen:

"Chancellor Eloy Ortiz Oakley, who heads the nation’s largest community college system of 114 campuses, told The Times that intermediate algebra is seen as a major barrier for students of color, preventing too many from completing degrees. About three-fourths of those who transfer to four-year universities are non-STEM majors, he said, who should be able to demonstrate quantitative reasoning skills by taking statistics or other math courses more applicable to their fields.

“College-level algebra is probably the greatest barrier for students — particularly first-generation students, students of color — obtaining a credential,” he said. “If we know we're disadvantaging large swaths of students who we need in the workforce, we have to question why. And is algebra really the only means we have to determine whether a student is going to be successful in their life?"

"The report’s goals include:
A reduction in racial and geographical achievement gaps in five years and complete elimination in 10 years. The report noted that program completion rates vary widely: 65% for Asians, 54% for whites, 41% for Latinos and 35% for African Americans."

Und wen holt unsere Amixxxx besonders fleißig rein und überschwemmt unser Land? Und WEN möchte ich gerne, daß wir reinholen?



PS: Vielleicht gibts ja doch einen Zusammenhang zwischen Herkunft und Fleiß, Intelligenz, Disziplin etc. Ich bin ja da nicht ganz allein mit meiner Meinung:

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