Ja, stimmt, noch nicht wirklich trustless

Zarathustra, Dienstag, 23.05.2017, 21:27 (vor 2801 Tagen) @ Onkel S.2543 Views

Hallo Onkel S.


ja, ist interessant, dennoch muss Shapeshift im Hintergrund die
entsprechenden Anzahl an Coins halten, um sich gegen Preisschwankungen
abzusichern. Da sehe ich eher das Risiko. Werden die gehackt, sind auch die
Prisms wertlos.

Der Investor zahlt ETH ein, Shapeshift kauft dann im Hintergrund von den
ETHs exakt die Coins die der Investor auswählt. Also zero-trustless ist
das nicht, da es ohne Hedge nicht geht.

Ja, am Anfang sei dies so. Später dann - gemäss Plan - nicht mehr.

Still, to create the Prism, another user needs to take the other side of the trade that sets up the account, effectively betting against each investment in the portfolio.

Future versions of the product, Vorhees said, may enable users to enter into such agreements with other users, but to start, ShapeShift will be the counterparty to every transaction, hedging its trades in the background to ensure the integrity of its finances.

"The simplest explanation is you make a prism of 1 bitcoin, that's the whole prism. It's worth 1 bitcoin. ShapeShift takes the other side of that, so that means ShapeShift is short 1 bitcoin. Shapeshift just buys a bitcoin from someone, then if bitcoin goes up it lost $10 on the prism, but gained $10 on bitcoin, so it's a wash," he explained.

In this way, ShapeShift will make its money on closing costs associated with the accounts.

Users will be charged a 2.4% fee to close out Prisms, plus 0.05 ETH (about $6 today), a fee that covers the gas cost the ShapeShift must pay to run the smart contracts on the public ethereum blockchain.


Grüsse, Zara

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