Verbindungen der Regierungspartei zu Drogenkartellen, Freimaurern

CalBaer, Freitag, 27.01.2017, 23:23 (vor 2919 Tagen) @ CalBaer3125 Views
bearbeitet von unbekannt, Freitag, 27.01.2017, 23:28

Leider liest man darueber nichts in der "Qualitaetspresse", nur auf den "Fake-News"-Seiten:

Mexico's New President Has Ties to Cartels

Report: Juarez Cartel Used Shell Companies to Finance Mexican President’s Election

Drogenexporte in die USA und die Verflechtungen der Drogenkartelle mit der Politik haben auch eine lange Geschichte in Mexiko:

...Since 1929, the Institutional Revolutionary Party had been in power, a political party with close ties to the drug organizations. For 71 years the government had been hierarchical and centralized and had accommodated the drug cartels and drug lords, for example by ensuring that they were subjected to limited criminal investigations. This policy and the close relationship between the government and the drug cartels helped curb the violence....In 2012, after a twelve year hiatus, the Institutional Revolutionary Party came back in power, with Enrique Peña Nieto as the new president. Peña Nieto stated that he would withdraw the military forces and would create a National Gendarmerie instead – classifying the drug war as a law and order concern, not as a national security issue....

Mexico and the Drug Cartels: A History of Fascination

Ist Pena Nieto selbst ein Freimaurer?

Mexican Freemasons participate in presidential elections today
Sunday, 1 July 2012

Mexico City, Mexico. The Elections held today in Mexico have not left indifferent Mexican Freemasons. They will participate in national elections as observers, candidates and ordinary voters. With over 300,000 members, the Mexican Masonic Order is one of the largest National Masonic Orders in the world. The Sovereign Grand Commander of Mexico, Manuel Jiménez Guzmán is the leader of the PRI (Institutional Revolutionary Party) in the Federal District. He announced that he will support Enrique Peña Nieto today.

Dokumentation ueber mexikanischen Drogenkartellen in den USA:

Ein ueberragender Teil der Oekonomen, Politiker, Banker, Analysten und Journalisten ist einfach unfaehig, Bitcoin richtig zu verstehen, weil es so revolutionaer ist.

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